Saturday, April 23, 2016

My journey to healthy clear skin

Luminous clear skin, a coveted envied look, that many wanted and I am not exempted, who wouldn't want good skin but unfortunately not all are blessed, mine is way far from perfect, since i hit puberty skin chaos happen  I have big pores, oily to combination skin, cystic acne, blackheads, whiteheads dark uneven skin tone I think I have every characteristic of a bad skin does hahaha and it did affect my confidence .

I tried numerous ways from self thought to seeking professional help, some work some didn't & to my joy at some point my skin cleared, sadly it don't last, I still get flared acne... to make the story short I did everything I could but still nothing worked it is still there ugly skin.

But don't lose hope ladies and gents there is always a silver-lining, there is no such thing as perfect skin though some are genetically blessed, for those who are not, good news is we can still make it better and improve our condition, in many years of my struggle and battle with my skin problem here are the lessons and knowledge I learned.

1. Know the roots of your dilemma

                                                     Factors that causes acne/bad skin

- Genetics or undiscovered ailment
 - Bad habits: smoking, drinking too much alcohol, not enough sleep 
 - Poor diet & lack of exercise

In my case Its genetics or undiscovered ailment I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries which causes hormonal imbalance one of the symptoms is acne. I also want to emphasize stress which play a major role in overall health i just don't have PCOS but i also experience extreme stress that lead to my flared skin and sickness that seems hard to treat. So seek professional help take an allergy test or try to monitor what you eat or do that may cause these bad skin reactions. It is very important to know the root  cause so you wont just blindly follow a wrong skin care regimen or treatment for your condition, you will be amazed at the improvement if you know what causes it then prevent or treat it with the proper remedy, remember knowledge is power so inspect your ways and diets. 

2. Treating the underlying causes effectively

- Try to avoid stress                      
- Have a healthy habit
- Exercise & eat healthy 
- SMILE have fun

PCOS are genetics however my doctor say it can still be treated with medicine, I choose none conventional way as I sometimes see no progress in relying on just medicine, in the long run I discovered that natural remedies are still the best without any bad side effects, after all nature is a good healer. 

As I search I learned that apple cider vinegar can help cure PCOS I incorporated it with my diet and see improvement however my acne is still there and thats when stress play a big part in once health I notice that even if I have a healthy lifestyle enough exercise but if I am STRESSED it will not suffice. At some point in my career i become very stress that I am lacking of sleep and thinking too much I got serious illness and my skin is at its worst, so don't take stress lightly it does literally affect us, our body, so de-stress!!! try to read articles about stress management, go out with friends or enroll in fun & relaxing activities like yoga, zumba, painting etc. better yet try to fix its source.

Also nourishing your internal and external body can make a drastic improvement in your skin and general well-being so it is optimal to start from inside then work your way outside you will be surprise to see a faster and successful result.

My own routine:

- I like dancing to de-stress I visit Brasas at Jazz Mall
- I take Apple cider vinegar
- I like drinking teas, chamomile tea & green tea from healthy options
- I limit my chocolate intake but if I crave I always choose 80% Dark chocolate
- I try my best to drink plenty of water & get enough sleep
- I detox with blended carrot, apple & ginger I drink it before bedtime & just feeling invigorated and looking radiant in the morning.
- My face wash is Indie lee brightening cleanser very mild and effective see my full review

 3. Discover what works for you

We are all different and with differences comes with disagreements so I am not trying to convince anyone to do what I did these article is just to share my experience and what works for me. What makes it even better is that we are not stuck to only one choice we have many options to choose from.

On my part I personally & firmly believe that mixing science with nature can efficiently treat & prevent any ailments, I try to always eat healthy honestly its hard, if you are already used to your old habit but it is better to try than never, I also choose organic whenever available not just for my body but skin as well, we may forget but skin is also an organ, in fact the largest organ of the body, so what we put on it, it absorbs, so i make sure to be wise in choosing my skin care regimen and I love using only the best natural/organic product that is available in the market and for me it never ceases to amaze. When you find the right regimen remember to be consistent, consistency is the key your skin will not change overnight it still needs discipline and dedication, to see visible result, luckily nature sometimes works faster.

My skin right now? is still far from perfect but it is at its best, so don't be afraid to try new things, seek a professional help or just natural self acquired skin care regimen whatever works for you.


KNOW then ACT, have a healthy lifestyle mixed with your healthy skin care and most importantly enjoy life ;)

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