Monday, May 19, 2014

First Time to Speak...

Indeed, well as a quiet person like myself, I cant agree more, there's a lot of  thought that I can't usually convey which i really really wanted to share or tell but I cant just put my mouth to open and talk!, being like that is such a pain!, let me tell you why, I think this will take a bit long but will try my best to be straight forward and make this short so it wont be boring haha oh! and please bare with me, I'm really not a good story teller nor a proficient writer, hell I cant even manage my thoughts very well hahah but lets give it a shot, here it goes.

Before I just live in my own world cant start a proper conversation with other people,cant express myself scared of strangers, aloof, snob and just cant have any new friends unless they will be the first to approach me, I am such a very timid and shy person before which started when I was a child till my adolescent life, so shy that even saying I Love you to my parents in person is very hard for me to do thus creating a lot of misunderstanding and regretful fights, even simple things like complimenting others because they'r wearing nice clothes and cool makeup, is also not easy for me to do... making me like a creepy witch cursing somebody because im staring while whispering my thoughts to my self, imagine how scary was that hahaha... 
kidding aside its a serious matter of not expressing once self , you will miss a lot of great opportunities, miss chances, miss to express how much you love your family and friends until its too late & miss half of your life just for the reason of  being afraid and shy.

That's my life before, but not anymore, thank God he made me realize how important is speaking up and connecting to others, connecting to the world.
You will only live once, thats for sure, there will be no second chances so I dont let that shyness and being afraid stop me anymore from doing and saying things I wanted to say. So I muster all my courage open my mouth and talk .
This blog will also help me start my new journey ... 


P.S  great tips
"Trust in God with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding" 
and you will never go wrong and be most confident...